Autumn Passion Trail Bikes News # 9
This week's news and info on November 21, 2008:
1. Waterdog trailwork 9:00AM Saturday Nov 22nd
2. Sunday morning shop ride at Waterdog Nov 23th 9:00AM
3. Soquel Forest open via Highland Way; trail conditions=tacky with woody debris
4. Turkey Ride in Los Gatos Nov 27
5. Appetite Seminar in Fairfax Nov 27
6. Bicycle Expo and Swap, presented by rideSFO @ the Cow Palace, Nov 29 & 30
7. Soquel Forest trailwork Saturday Dec 13th
8. Passion Solstice Celebration Sunday Dec 21
9. Rick Sutton to speak at ROMP Holiday Party Friday Dec 19th
10.Trips for Kids seeking used bikes and parts
Past issues of the Passion Trail Bikes Community Newsletter can be found on our website.
1. Waterdog trailwork 9:00AM Saturday Nov 22nd

Saturday the 22nd will be our first official workday of the season in Waterdog.
Let's make time to get back out on the trails with some tools and give back a little love! The project has been determined, and will focus on maintenance on one of the existing singletracks, brushing back and repairing drainage and any other damage that has occurred during the year.
Please RSVP by Friday at 7pm if you would like to join in on the fun! Send Patty an email at patty@passiontrailbikes.com to get on the list. Please NOTE! RSVPs are REQUIRED to get info on the project and meeting location. This is so Patty knows how many bagels to get, how much coffee to make, how many tools to load, and how many crew leaders she needs.
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2. Sunday morning shop ride at Waterdog Nov 23th 9:00AM

Charles has posted another ride in the NorCal forum for Sunday Nov 23th meeting at the shop at 9:00am, and we are hoping you will join us!
In an attempt to take full advantage of good weather and fantastic Fall trail conditions, we will be heading out for some great singletrack adventures in the Dawg. Patty plans to repeat what she did last week, which was lead a slow pace FBG ride with 7 or so people, that ended up breaking into a little longer and a little shorter factions before the end of the ride. Newbies, beginners, infirm, and lackadaisical are all encouraged on this ride. Charles and others will lead at least one other group on a regular pace ride that last week had almost a dozen participants riding a few more trails than the FBG groups did. We also encourage all kinds on the regular ride, but the lackadaisical will be good naturedly heckled.
The plan is to roll out of Passion just after 9:00, and ride up to Waterdog. The ride pace, distance, and trail choice is set by those that show up, and all rides return to Passion around noon. We will have beverages and snacks out again, and will take a vote mid ride to determine if we should do pizzas again.
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3. Soquel Forest open via Highland Way; trail conditions=tacky with woody debris


True story! The road to Soquel Forest is OPEN and other than a whole bunch of branches and a few trees down, conditions are great.
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4. Turkey Ride in Los Gatos Nov 27

Los Gatos Turkey Ride going up, 2007
The Turkey Ride is a community celebration bike ride and feast for people who either don't have a family group meal planned for Thanksgiving, or who want to eat twice. The ride is up Kennedy, a long and at times steep fireroad out of Los Gatos. Many riders start at 8am at one of the shops in Los Gatos. Most riders bring something to either eat or drink (or both), in quantities large enough to pass around. This is definitely a socialist event; sharing is expected. Along with comestibles, bring your own utensils, cup and plate, you'll need to take them back with you. There will be BOB trailers and Extracycles. There will be backpacks and paniers.
MROSD regulations allow visitors to consume beer or wine with a picnic meal. Rangers will be present to enjoy the vibe and monitor the party, since usually there is nothing but good cheer and good behavior to be found.
Info on the ride can be found on this thread on MTBR, as can pictures from last year. Jay is bringing cheesecake. Charles is towing something heavy up to the top, and would be happy to answer any questions about what you should bring for him to eat, if you send him an email at charles@passiontrailbikes.com. Rumor has it he plans to have wheels rolling on or about 8:30am (plus or minus) so he can get back in time for a second meal in the evening at his Mom's.

Some of the Turkey Ride food spread

Not everyone brings turkey
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5. Appetite Seminar in Fairfax Nov 27

Flyer for the 1981 Appetite Seminar
The Appetite Seminar, according to Charles Kelley, "By far the longest running mountain biking event" in the world.
Appetite Seminar circa 1975
Like mountain biking itself, the Appetite Seminar is an individualistic, celebratory and adaptable endeavor, and you can do it solo or as part of a group. There is no sponsor, no organizer, no entry fee, and no special rules or special equipment needed. Show up in Fairfax at a time that is convenient to you, and ride your bike. Most people start early in the morning, and following tradition, ride the Pine Mountain Loop. One of the esteemed businesses in Fairfax has a keg or four to help everyone (at least those who get back before it runs out) to quench their thirst before heading home to Thanksgiving Dinner.
Info on the ride, and pictures from last year, can be found on this thread on MTBR from last year. Berry says he's doing this ride and would be happy to answer any questions if you send him an email at berry@passiontrailbikes.com. He plans to have *wheels rolling* by 8:00am so he can get finished and home to his sweetie, and you can bet he is much more punctual than Charles when it comes to getting back to his sweetie..
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6. SF Bicycle Expo and Swap, presented by rideSFO @ the Cow Palace, Nov 29 & 30

But be sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming Bicycle Expo and Swap, presented by rideSFO. The 2-day event takes place November 29th and 30th, at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. I'm sure you remember the Velo Swap of past years, but Nor-Cal has been lacking a premier Expo. We decided to bring it back with our style (and more affordable) than before.
Booth spaces are available for all levels of participation, and the rates are staggered to maximize the value of your participation. Check out www.ridesfo.com for details.
This will be a hot-spot of everything bike related, there will be something for everyone. Whether you are a dealer with old inventory to move, a sales rep with a sample account that needs to get cleaned up, a manufacturer with a great line that needs an audience, or a bike enthusiast that wants to find NOS Deore derailers, the Bicycle Expo and Swap is the ticket.
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7. Soquel Forest trailwork Saturday Dec 13th
Speaking of woody debris on the trails, we have a workday in Soquel Forest coming up. We suspect there will be some opportunities for trail improvements. Stay tuned for details.

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8. Passion Solstice Celebration Sunday Dec 21
Save the date. We are having a party at the shop in celebration of lengthening days ahead as the earth starts a new revolution around the sun, angling the northern hemisphere a bit closer to those warming rays. There will be food, drink, and great friends. We hope you can be there!
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9. Rick Sutton to speak at ROMP Holiday Party Friday Dec 19th

Every year ROMP hosts a fabulous dinner party for all friends of mountain biking in the area. We usually see a great showing of friends there.
This year Rick Sutton will be there to entertain us with tales from his long career in service to the bicycle community. You may know Rick from when he owned Redwood Cyclery in Redwood City, or maybe from when he started up a little race in Monterey called the Sea Otter, or maybe from his stint at Specialized as their concept store visionary, or possibly you know him from his current venture, Plus 3 network which combines three things we totally support: Riding, setting goals, and supporting great causes.
We aren't sure what Rick will be talking about, but we are sure the Q&A session will be awesome. ROMP encourages singles, couples, families, and guests to attend. Dinner is $25 per person, $20 for 12 yrs or under, and the food is great. There is a link on ROMP's webpage where you can buy one or more dinner tickets and state your menu preference.
6:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Dinner Buffet
8:30pm ish during Coffee and Dessert time Rick Sutton will be speaking
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10. Trips for Kids seeking used bikes and parts

We got this request from our friend Dave and thought we should pass it along.
I wanted to let you know Trips for Kids is in dire need of bike donations-new and used. If you can pass the word around your shop and to fellow riders and friends that would much appreciated. My personal goal is to collect 25 bikes by Christmas.
We take in the bikes, repair them and either sell them back to the community or set them aside for our ‘earn a bike’ program where kids work in our shop and earn credits toward their own bike.
I make pick ups regularly in the area. Thanks and good riding. Dave Snider, Trips for Kids
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To contact us, email us at info@passiontrailbikes.com, or call the shop at 650-620-9798.
Happy Trails, the PTB crew
Charles, Patty, Berry, John, Bret, Sterling, Daryl, Daniel, Peter, Reba and Buster