Autumn Passion Trail Bikes News # 12
This week's news and info on December 18, 2008:
1. Passion solstice celebration Sunday Dec 21
2. LAST CHANCE! ROMP Holiday Party Friday Dec 19
3. IMBA Action Alert for NPS Rule change on bikes
4. Dodging the weather: Last minute rides on MTBR
5. Soil types and where to ride in Winter, Part 1 on our blog
6. Waterdog Trailwork Saturday 12/20 10AM
7. Carlmont Cleanup Saturday 01/10/09
8. Holiday coupons to spread some trail passion around
Past issues of the Passion Trail Bikes Community Newsletter can be found on our website.
1. Passion Solstice Celebration Sunday Dec 21

Toyon, or "California Holly", puts out large clusters of red berries in winter
Please join our annual shop party in celebration of Solstice as the earth starts a new revolution around the sun.
Food this year is being prepared by Travis
"Sugar Shorts" Simbulan, a frequent participant in our Weekly Wrides. The menu will feature hearty dishes as well as lighter fare and desserts, and includes lots of seasonal flavors such as beef roast with root vegetables, herb rubbed pork tenderloin, stuffed eggplant, and fresh fruit salad.
Of course we will also be pouring both hoppy and rooty beers from
Devils Canyon Brewery, as well as have a plentiful supply of wine and other EANABS to wet your whistle!
The party will start around 6pm on Sunday December 21. We hope you can be there!

Passion customers know how to get some holiday cheer with whacky hats!
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2. LAST CHANCE! ROMP Holiday Party Friday Dec 19th

Every year ROMP hosts a fabulous dinner party for all friends of mountain biking in the area. We usually see a great showing of
friends there.
RICK SUTTON will be our featured speaker.
Rick is a Serial Entrepreneur and the Architect of Many Famous Cycling Events such as Sea Otter Classic, Napa Valley World Cup, NORBA & Cyclocross Nationals. Now he is the Co-Founder of Plus 3 Network. Learn about
behind the scenes cycling event planning, cycling trends, and here some of his many special events highlights.
ROMP encourages singles, couples, families, and guests to attend. Dinner is $25 per person, $20 for 12 yrs or under, and the food is great. There is a link on ROMP's webpage where you can buy one or more dinner tickets and state your menu preference.
6:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Dinner Buffet
8:30pm ish during Coffee and Dessert Time: Guest Speaker
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3. IMBA Action Alert for NPS Rule change on bikes

Take Action to Increase Opportunities for Bicycling in National Parks
At long last, the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) has proposed a rule change which will make it easier for parks to open trails for mountain biking. IMBA urges mountain bikers to register comments in support of the rule change. IMBA has been asking for this change since the 1990s. We now enter a 60-day commentary period to make the change official.
IMBA.com will post the official action alert with information on how to comment by the end of Thursday, Dec. 18.
You can read IMBA's white paper analysis of the proposed rule change, and view the entire text in the Federal Register online. We know that several groups are working to defeat this proposal -- it will take thousands of comments in favor of the rule change to ensure it stays intact.
As the proposal explicitly states, none of the NPS procedures for environmental review -- or opportunities for public commentary - will be diminished by this change. What it will achieve is a much more manageable system for adopting mountain biking trails. As the
proposal states, "As a general matter, the proposed rule provides park superintendents with a more efficient and effective way to determine whether opening existing trails to bicycles would be appropriate in the park unit they manage."
IMBA believes that this is a goal that will enhance national parks and deserves your support -- please file your comments today!
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4. Dodging the weather: Last minute rides on MTBR

Mile Trail in Pacifica features a decomposing granite surface that holds up when wet
This weekend we are expecting another weather system to pass through, so we aren't sure what our ride plans are, which even if we had some, they'd likely be changed by opportunities for getting out between raindrops. Please check in the
The MTBR NorCal Forum for a ride that will work with your and mother nature's schedules.
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5. Soil types and where to ride in Winter, Part 1 on our blog
Speaking of decomposed granite, Patty has posted a rather long-winded analysis of winter weather, soils, and trail conditions on our blog. Actually, it's just part 1 of her docent data dump, which she promised will be followed by part 2, Winter and keeping your favorite trails ridable all year.
It's definitely worth a read as it will help you plan where and when to ride this winter and increase your chances of getting good conditions for a little wheeled recreation.

Old San Pedro Road on Montara Mountain, connects with Mile Trail. Good all-weather riding spot
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6. Waterdog Trailwork Saturday 12/20 10:00am
Patty has a trail work day up on the Calendar, and for now it looks like the weather will be good for moving a little dirt. She has a small project planned for the middle of the Finch Trail, moving some dirt around to improve drainage. Send
Patty an email at patty@passiontrailbikes.com so she can plan the workday and bring enough tools. She will send you info on the meeting place.

Volunteer trail workers pose for a group shot at the upper Hastings Trailhead
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7. Carlmont Cleanup Saturday 01/10/09

Travis "Mr. Sugar Shorts" Simbulan gets air at Carlmont
Recently at a City of Belmont meeting, Patty was approached by a high ranking city official who had heard from a neighbor about their concerns about the trash in the dirt jumping area behind Carlmont High School. This area is private property and not a Belmont Park, so the city is not responsible for maintaining it unless it poses a health and safety risk, and then the city would need to take a number of legal steps before entering the property.
We don't want the city to feel that they need to clean the place up. The landowners appear to be unconcerned about the jumps on this undeveloped parcel and we'd like it to stay that way. So riders who hang out in the forums at Ridemonkey and RideSFO are going to help organize a cleanup day. We are recruiting helpers so we can keep this area clean and tidy. Garbage will be hauled out, including some dumped furniture, and the area will be scoured for random bottles, broken glass or other trash.
So save the date and plan on helping out. The dirt jumps have been in use for over a decade and we think they should be considered an asset to the city, not a liability.
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8. Holiday coupons to spread some trail passion around

If you can't use this coupon, please pass it on to a friend!
Printer friendly coupon is here:
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To contact us, email us at info@passiontrailbikes.com, or call the shop at 650-620-9798.
Happy Trails, the PTB crew
Charles, Patty, Berry, John, Bret, Sterling, Daryl, Daniel, Peter, Reba and Buster